A dude in a Hawaiian shirt playing The Clash on an acoustic guitar? Bring it!
Author Archives: Rob
Boss Heavy Metal Pedal
I always wanted a Boss Heavy Metal pedal but never got one until recently. Boss stopped making these a while ago so I had to pick it up on eBay (I think I paid around $40). It sounds amazing with everything turned to the max. My brother tells me this is the “Swedish sound” you can hear on early Entombed records. Definitely nice and crunchy.
My New Setup
I’d always wanted a Telecaster. Back in the 80s they were too expensive, which is why I ended up with the Mustang. So when I started playing guitar again, I decided I needed a Telecaster. But since I didn’t know if I’d stick with it, I got a cheap one. I got this Austin knockoff at Leading Tone in Seattle for $150, which included a full setup.
Fender had just come out with this amp when I was looking. I really have no idea how you could find a better amp, or a better anything, for $100. When I went to get one at American Music, they told me that they couldn’t keep them in stock.
My Old Setup
Here’s my old setup. Well, most of it. My old Fender 4×12 is still in my parents’ shed, along with the 100 watt Yamaha head.
The Mustang was my first guitar. Actually, it was my second guitar. I owned one of those aluminum neck Kramers for like a week or something. Sold it for $100. What are they worth now?
I never liked the neck on the Mustang–it is too narrow. I liked the sound, though, and loved the color. I think I got it at Starving Musician in San Jose for around $200 in 1987. It’s not for sale. I already promised it to my kid.
Starting Over
I took a few guitar lessons when I was a teenager. All I can remember is Can’t Explain and Living, Loving Maid. Then in college I played in a garage band with my brother and a friend. We sucked. Or I should say I sucked, cause they were decent musicians and all I could manage were some basic power cords. I probably would have stayed with it longer than I did, but I got tinnitus. It wasn’t just the small practice space with my Fender 4×12 setup and the crashing symbols. It was also years of going to small clubs to see bands like Dead Kennedys, Buttthole Surfers and the Red Hots. One day I went to a Replacements show (during their Pleased To Meet Me Tour) and afterwards my ears never stopped ringing. They still ring.
So now, more than 20 years later, I’ve decided to take another crack at it. My ears haven’t gotten any better or worse, I have no plans to play with anyone else. I do still want to make noise, but more quietly.
So I’ve been messing around with some stuff on YouTube, bought a few books and even took a few lessons. Anyway, this blog is going to be a journal of sorts. We’ll see how long I stick with it…